Presbyterian Women
Each woman of First Presbyterian Church of Goldsboro is included in Presbyterian Women and invited to become a member of one of our circles:
Night Circle: Meets 1st Monday of each month at 6 pm
Morning Circle: Meets 1st Tuesday of each month at 10 am
Our circles meet in the parlor for business, bible study and prayer.
Contact the church office to reach the Moderator of Presbyterian Women who will assign you toa circle of your choice.
About Presbyterian Women
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves:
To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study
To attend to the needs of our church family
To support the mission of the church worldwide
To work for justice and peace
To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's kingdom and the saving grace of Jesus Christ!
Anyone who is interested in learning more about the work of Presbyterian Women is encouraged to contact Mrs. Susan Stackhouse, the Moderator. We welcome all women into our circles and we provide many opportunities for involvement in the work of our church:
Delivering flowers or gifts for the elderly or those who are ill
Organizing parties at retirement homes
Preparing a community lunch one Wednesday during Lent
Preparing and serving bereavement meals
Preparing casseroles or meals for the ill